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On-going Assessments

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On-Going assessments are assessments that had been taken, or are being taken, by students. Here, you can find all the assessments, view their reports accordingly and preview them under different views (desktop or tablet).



Find an Assessment

To quickly find an assessment within all the on-going assessment use the filter by program functionality.

1.Go to the "Select a program" drop down menu.

2.Choose the program you want the assessments of.

3.Go to "Select a course" drop down menu.

4.Choose the course you want the assessment for.

5.Go to "Select an assessment type" drop down menu.

6.Choose the type of assessment.

7.View the assessments related to your selection in the table.



Sort Assessments

You can sort the assessments in the table in an ascending or descending order according to the course title by clicking on "Title".

For example, this figure shows the list of assessments before sorting.



The following figure shows the same list of assessments sorted in a descending order.



No modification can be done to on-going assessments. If you click on an assessment title, you will open the assessment report.


Interact with the Assessments

          Download the widget

To download the widget for a specific on going assessment

1.Click the  button next to the assessment that you would like to get the widget for.

2.Once you do this, your device will prompt you to download this widget onto your device.

3.You can then use the widget.


View the report

To view the analytical report for a specific on-going assessment:

1.Click the  button next to the assessment that you would like to view the report for.

2.Once you do this, you will be redirected to the Exam Results page.

3.You can view the report for this assessment.


Desktop Preview

To download the widget for a specific on going assessment

1.Click the  button next to the assessment that you would like to preview on desktop mode.

2.Once you do this, your device will redirect you to the assessment viewer.

3.You can then interact with the assessment.


Tablet Preview

To download the widget for a specific on going assessment

1.Click the  button next to the assessment that you would like to preview on tablet mode.

2.Once you do this, your device will redirect you to the assessment viewer.

3.You can then interact with the assessment.



See Also

Program Results

Add a new assessment

Publish/Unpublish an assessment

Delete An Assessment

Preview An Assessment

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