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Smart Paper Live Dashboard

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This report gives you real-time, high-level activity data from all active Areas/Scanners in a given Printable exam. When the exam is finished, a results view will be shown covering high-level scores and metrics.





On this page, you need to choose an exam to track it during the exam, or to check it after the exam date.


1.Choose Date from

2.Choose Date to

3.Filter exams by click on the button

4.Select the exam that you want to check





Once you get it the exam Live Smart Print Dashboard, you can see an Overview on all the examinees who attended the exam, attendance rate and the absence rate.

You can also see their locations in the map.






Under the Progress & Submissions section, you can see charts and statistics about the competed/incomplete submissions, number of pages scanned and more.

All the charts can be exported as PNG, JPEG, PDF or SVG image.




This is the summary of the exam that you can find on the right side of the page, it has a live time countdown when the exam is live.

It also shows the admin how many areas/campuses are live in the exam at the moment, how many examinees in general and more information that helps operation.



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