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Filter Responses

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When you select the exam to be graded, you can filter the responses by two types. You can filter the types using the "Select a Group" filter and you can also sort the responses by the questions or by the examinee.

Select a Group

In this section, you can select to filter the responses by a specific group (e.g. Class 7A, Grade 12). This will select only that specific group of responses to grade.

You can also see the Total Submissions Graded, Group Submissions Graded and Question Submissions Graded in the question.

Filter by Examinee or by Question

Filter by Examinee


In this section, you can select to filter the responses based on the question on the response of each individual examinee using the  toggle button.


This information hint  tells you that the assessment is configured to allow grading anonymously.                 

In the drop down menu, select the student whose response you want to evaluate. Then, all the responses of that individual student will appear below in a scrollable view.

You can then view the answer of the examinee by clicking View Answer.

If you click on the title of the question under the Question Title column, a pop-up window will appear where you can see a preview of the question.

Filter By Question

In this section, you can select to filter the responses based on the question on the response of each individual question using the  toggle button.

In the drop down menu, select the question you want to evaluate. Then, a list of all student responses to that question will appear below in a scrollable view.

You can then view the answer of the examinee by clicking View Answer. 

If you see this dots:  it means that the name of examinee is set to anonymous and the admin/teacher can't see the name while grading.

See Also

Recording Grading

Essay Grading

File Upload Grading

Handwriting Grading

Publish Results

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