This section helps you manage your account settings. The Account settings are where you can make changes to your main account settings by changing your Account Name. You can also customize your account by choosing a color scheme for your landing page, for your logos and your personalized site address.
Manage Account Details
•Here you can see your Subscription Type, Institution Type and your Account Type.
•Make changes to your Account Name that defines your Institution/Organization name on SwiftAssess. This name is also reflected in your exported reports, certificates, etc.
•Upload a Login Page Logo. The accepted format is a PNG image with a 1 MB limit for the size of the image.
•Upload a Workspace Logo. The accepted format is a PNG image with a 1 MB limit for the size of the image.
•You can link your SwiftAssess account with your Microsoft Azure tenant, if it's already linked you will find it in Microsoft Azure Link.
•Choose the Timezone for your account from the drop-down list.
•Smart Paper Logo is a placeholder for an image/ logo / icon that you can upload to be placed in the Cover sheet of the Smart Paper Exams.
•Smart Paper Cover Text which will be the instructions that will be used in the Smart Paper cover sheet.
•Achievement Rate is a field that you can specify. This can be the benchmark in the reports and analytics and the value that you chose will be viewed there.
•System Primary Culture is the main language that will be used by default for the Account and all users related to it.
•System Alternative Culture is the alternative language in your Account, the language will be shifted as well as the alternative learning outcomes, objectives and lessons in your programs and courses.
Account Administration
You can also manage Account administration settings from the Account Settings page under the "Account Administration" section •View Billing Information Manage your billing summary and add/renew licenses. •Manage Administrators and Access Set permissions and scopes for specified limited administrators •View Event Log View and filter event that take place across your entire system which includes actions taken by different full/limited administrators. •Manage Connectors Create App(s) in order to consume the SwiftAssess API methods securely and monitor its usage and activity. or use different pre-bundled connectors for integration purposes. •Manage ACUs Track all your activated ACU instanced, and manage their information and mapping.
Global Configuration
You can also manage Global configuration settings from the Account Settings page under the "Global Configuration" section.
•Manage Terms Create and manage different terms to reflect on student enrollment, scheduling and academic progress as per the academic year structure. •Manage Account Areas Create and manage different areas under your current account. Areas are functional units that constitute of your organization's operation breakdown. •Manage SIS Imports Manage the integration of your institution's student information services (SIS) with SwiftAssess through importing a set of csv files.
See Also
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