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Edit Details

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This section helps you edit the media from the Media Preview windows.

Edit Images

When you click the  button, you can edit the details of the image. You can edit the Title, Description and Tags of the image. Then you can click the  button to save those changes.


Edit Audio

When you click the  button in the audio preview window, you can edit the details of the audio file. You can edit the Title, Description and Tags of the image. Then you can click the  button to save those changes.


Edit Videos

When you click the  button, you can edit the details of the video. You can edit the Title, Description and Tags of the video. Then you can click the  button to save those changes.

Edit 3D Models

When you click the  button, you can edit the details of the 3D model. You can edit the Title, Description and Tags of the model. Then you can click the  button to save those changes.

See Also

Media Library Overview

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Media Preview

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