The search and filter feature can be used to filter the media that you would like to use in you questions. You can filter media by five basic types.
By Media Types:
This section will help you select the kind of media type that you want. You can filter one or more types of media(e.g. Images) by selecting the relevant media. 1.Under the “By Media Types” check boxes, click on the check box that is desired (e.g. Audio) 2.The selected media will appear in the check box as a black tick. 3.Click on the |
By Size:
This section will help you select the size of media file that you want. You can filter one or more types of sizes(e.g. Small) by selecting the relevant size range. 1.Under the “By Size” check boxes, click on the check box that is desired (e.g. Medium) 2.The selected size will appear in the check box as a black tick. 3.Click on the |
By Resolution:
This section will help you select the resolution for the images that you want. You can select Any resolution or select a Specific resolution that is relevant. For specific resolutions: 1.From the drop down menu, select either Exactly or Larger than and specify(in pixels) the width in the first field and the height in the second field. 2.Click on the |
By Duration:
This section will help you select the duration for the videos that you want. You can filter one or more types of durations(e.g Short) by selecting the relevant times. 1.Under “By Duration” check boxes, click on the check box that is desired (e.g. Long) 2.The selection will appear in the check box as a black tick. 3.Click on the |
By Keywords:
This section will help you select the media based on the keywords it contains. You can do this by one of two options. Either Match All or Match Any. Match All will filter all the results from every keyword that has been typed into the box. Match Any will filter all the results from any keyword that has been typed into the box.
1.Under the “By Keywords” menu, click on the type of Keyword selection that you would like (e.g. Match All) 2.Type in the relevant keywords and separate them by using the “Enter” button on your keyboard 3.Click on the |
Search By Media Text:
You can search for a question by typing in the media title or the description in the search field and then clicking the button.
See Also
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