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Media Preview

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This sections helps you preview the media that is in your media library. Once you have uploaded images or searched for and filtered images, you can use the preview function to preview the media that is in your library. The different types of media available are Images, Audio, Video or 3D Models. Each one of these has a specific preview window where you can preview the media and make edits to them.

Image Preview

In the images preview window, you can preview the image and make changes to them. In the preview for images, you can see the Title, Description, Tags, Size and Resolution of the image. If you want to edit the details of the image, click the  button.



Audio Preview

In the audio preview window, you can preview the audio and make changes to it. In the preview for audio, you can see the Title, Description, Tags, Size and Duration of the audio. If you want to edit the details of the audio, click the  button.


Video Preview

In the video preview window, you can preview the video and make changes to it. In the preview for video, you can see the Title, Description, Tags, Size, Resolution and Duration of the video. If you want to edit the details of the video, click the  button..

3D Model Preview

In the 3D Model preview window, you can preview the model and make changes to it. In the preview for 3D Model, you can see the Title, Description, Tags and Size of the model. If you want to edit the details of the model, click the  button.

You can Pane in the model by clicking Right click on the mouse

You can Rotate the model by clicking on the model and navigate through it.

You can Zoom in and zoom out the model by using the mouse cursor.

You can also take a screenshot by clicking the "Screenshot" button above the model.

See Also

Media Library Overview

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