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The standard accounts for schools on SwiftAssess is an account where examinees can be added assigned to specific school system division. In this type of account, you can have categories and groups represented by different grades and different sections respectively.

 Category. In an account for schools, every category can be linked to a certain grade(year of study). The grades therefore have their own separate division. For example, a grade with the name "Grade 10" will be under the category "Grade 10" .


Group. For each category there can be more than one group representing different sections in a specific Course/Subject. Each group contains details like:

oThe Section number.

oThe Subject name.

oYou can also add more custom details for the groups based on your preference for the division of the course (e.g, Track, Gender etc.). An example of a naming scheme for a group can be: Subject/Section/Year (e.g. Physics/SectionA/2014). This will make it easier to retrieve the grades and scores based on the naming scheme that is used.


A practical example of a division for a school account may be :

Program: Mathematics

Year of Study: Grade 10

Category: Grade 10


Group: Algebra/SectionA/2014

Group: Algebra/SectionB/2014

Group: Algebra/SectionC/2014


The graphic below is a representation of the work-flow in a school account.


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