Import Results
This sections helps you upload different OMR-scanned results against different groups for a specific assessment. Choose which version of the printed assessment you want to import against and use the visual cues to understand your progress so far.
In order to import results properly, the user have to choose:
•Exam Version
After that you have to choose a file to upload from your machine then click "Select" to upload it.
If you hover over the tooltip you will see this: Files accepted are: CSV file or Zip file contains CSV file + media. |
Once you upload the file you will see this information
Which lets you know:
•Number of groups of examinees previously imported.
•Number of group examinees showing.
•Number of group examinees with digital submissions (Non-Paper submissions).
You can also see a table that shows you the Username, Name and Responses Captured.
You can notice a time icon next to the name which lets you know that this examinee has been imported previously.
You can also notice an exclamation mark next to the number of questions in "Responses captured" row which means the user didn't complete all the questions but it's already submitted.
Once you finish choosing the result to import click button to import them.
This success message will appear if the results have been import successfully.
See Also
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