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Publish/Unpublish A Program

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When managing programs, you can publish unpublished programs or unpublish published programs. However, in order to do that you should satisfy the conditions that will be explained later in this page.


Publish a Program

To publish an unpublished program:

From the Active/Pending Programs view:

1.Click on the drop down menu labeled Choose Action.

2.Click Publish.

From the Manage Program Details view,click .


Unpublish a Program

To unpublish an published program:

1.Click on the drop down menu labeled Choose Action.

2.Click Unpublish.



To publish

You cannot publish because there are no courses in the current program.

Program mark does not equal the sum of its courses marks. Redistribute marks before proceeding.

Program passing mark does not equal the sum of its courses passing marks. Redistribute marks before proceeding.

Assessment policy plan items are incomplete.

A course mark does not equal the sum of its exams marks. Redistribute marks before proceeding.

A courses passing mark does not equal the sum of its exams passing marks. Redistribute marks before proceeding.

To un-publish

Examinees are assigned to assessments of the program.



To publish

The program is unpublished.

Courses, policy plans, and exams related to the program exist and be published.

The sum of the courses marks equals the program total mark.


To un-publish

The program is published.


See Also

Assign to Assessments

Active/Pending Programs

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