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Pending/Active Programs

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Active/Pending Programs view displays all of the existing programs. An active program is a program that has been published and assessments related to each courses had been created and assigned to examinees. Pending programs, however, could be published or unpublished programs. If a published program is pending then the assessment associated with that program has not been assigned to examinees yet.



Manage Active/Pending Programs

You can manage simple aspects of a program include the following:

Add a new program by clicking .

View the status on the program ( or ).

Edit an unpublished program.

Publish an unpublished program.

Unpublish a published program.

Retire a published program.

Delete a program.


Filter Programs by Program Levels and Program Types

You can filter the list of programs in your account into program levels in order to have specific list and to narrow down the results.

Program levels can be clustered into deeper categories (Colleges, Departments, Sections, Grades, Streams,...etc)

Program type can be filtered to find the program you are looking for. (i.e. If you are looking for "MBA Program", select "Masters" program type and you will find all the masters related programs).


If your click on a published outcomes based program, you will be redirected to the Program Results Analytics. If you click on a published non-outcome based program, you will be redirected to the Snapshot Report Analytics.

See Also

Assign to Assessments

Retired Programs

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