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Active Directory

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The active directory is an external database that contains the information of all users in several educational institutions. In order to add users into SwiftAssess, you must import them from the active directory. Since the active directory contains large data, you can optimize your search using the filter options.



Filter Users

The first step to import users is to find the users in the active directory:

1.Choose whether you want to search for examinees or administrators using the switch  or .

2.You can filter by typing the Full Name.

3.You can filter by typing the Username.

4.You can filter by typing the Email.

5.Then, click  to start filtering for users.


View and Select Users

The second step is to view the result of your search and select the users you want to import:

1.View the users associated with the search details you provided.

2.Select the users you want to import by clicking .



When importing examinees to groups, the displayed groups are the Active or Open-ended groups.


License Bundle

Here, you can choose which license bundle you want to use when you are importing users. Here you can:

Choose the bundle type you want.

See the number of licenses available to you under that bundle to import users.

View the expiration date for that license.

Assign to Group

Here, you can assign specific groups to import the users, you can:

Select Category (Grade)

Select Group (section)

Click  to import the group users.

Admin Type

If you chose to import , you will have this section which lets you choose the type of Admin between  and

Limited Administrator: This administrator account type have limited permissions in the system.

Full Administrator: This administrator account type have full permissions in the system.

Click  to import.





- If you are not connected to Active Directory or SIS, then you have to import CSV files. Otherwise Add users button will disappear.

- You can use Add/Import users in case your account is configured.


See Also


Manage SIS imports

Order New Licenses

Billing Information

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