This section gives you instructions on how to access surveys via public URL. If a survey is accessible by everyone, it will have a direct, public URL. When the URL is typed in the address bar the survey will be accessed and can be answered. For instance, the survey titled "SwiftAssess Orientation Session Feedback" has a public URL "".
Starting a New Survey
When the URL is accessed, if the survey was given a password from the survey settings, you will be asked to enter it. Also, if it does not prompt anonymous answers, you will be asked to enter the "Name" and "Email" before proceeding.
If the survey has no password and allows anonymous answers, you will be directly taken to the survey.
If you click on you will be redirected to the main Dashboard. Click on
to take the survey.
Afterwards, you will be redirected to the survey questions for answering.
Resuming a Survey
If a survey is allowed to be resumed, you can access it from your Dashboard or you can enter the URL in your browser since it is a Public URL. In your "My Surveys" gadget, you can see the surveys that you have to resume. You can also see the date the survey was started on, click on the button to resume the survey. If a password is required, you will have to enter it and it will take you to the survey that was previously started.
See Also
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