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Private Surveys

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This section helps you to access private surveys, which cannot be accessed by URLs. A private survey can be accessed only after the user logs in and chooses the survey from his/her own dashboard.



If you have started the survey already and you are resuming it, the "Started On" column will show you the date you started taking the survey. Otherwise, it will be empty.

Click on  to start a particular survey. For instance, to start "SwiftAssess Orientation Session Feedback" click the  opposite to it.


Starting a New Survey

If the survey requires a password to be access, you will be prompt to enter a password in order to start taking the survey.



Otherwise, you will be directed to the survey right away.



If you click on  you will be redirected to your main Dashboard. Click on  to take the survey.

Afterwards, you will be redirected to the survey questions for answering.


Resuming a Survey

If a survey is allowed to be resumed, you can access it from your Dashboard. In your "My Surveys" gadget, you can see the surveys that you have to resume. You can also see the date the survey was started on, click on the  button to resume the survey. If a password is required, you will have to enter it and it will take you to the survey that was previously started.


See Also

Public URL


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