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Lessons are topics within courses that are taught to achieve the learning outcomes of a program.





Manage Lesson

Manage lessons of a program as follows:

1.Choose the course you to add a lesson to from the drop down menu labeled "Course."

2.Lessons related to the course that already exist appear. Choose one to edit or click  to add a new lesson. If you chose an existing lesson, field will be filled automatically for you to edit.

3.Enter/edit the lesson name.

4.The indicators related to the selected course outcomes appear in the list labeled" Selected Course indicators".

5.Select an indicators from that list.

6.Click .

7.The indicators is added to the list labeled "Lesson indicators".

To add all indicators to the "Lesson Indicators"click .

To remove  an indicators:

1.Click on the indicators you want to remove

2.Click .

You can also add or remove indicators by dragging and dropping them from one list to the other. To select multiple indicators, press and hold the control key while selecting them.

5.Click .

6.To delete an indicators, select if from the list labeled "Lesson indicators" then click .


See Also

Publish/Unpublish a Program




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