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Manage Section Questions

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Manage Section Questions


This step is important because it gives the Author the freedom to choose one or more questions to be used on this section.


After you choose questions and add them to your questions pool. Under "Section Questions" you can click on the number appears for you, for example: click on



Add questions to the section

You can select one ore multiple questions you want to be on this section by ticking  next to each question. It's also possible to check all available questions to be in the section by choosing "Check All".


Remove questions from the section

You can also unselect one ore multiple questions to remove them from this section.



Click  button to submit your changes or click  to go back.



You can also filter for questions by typing the name of it in the text field under "Filter Questions"




See also:


Manage section categories

Add a new section

Add a new Criteria

Manage Questions Pool

Additional Options

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