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Add a new section



 You can click on  to create new sections, this window will appear.





On this window, you can:

Select an existing category under "section category"

Type the section name.

Under section instructions, you will have a rich text editor to write your instructions and headline for this section.

You can specify the time limit for this section if it's enabled in the assessment settings.

You can Enable/Disable using calculator on this section.

You can Enable/Disable Backtrack on this section (if this is disabled, it means the examinee cannot go back to previous questions on this section).

You can Enable/Disable Fixed order for this section (if it's enabled, the section will stay in its order and won't be shuffled).


After you're done creating the section, click "Submit" to save settings or click "Cancel" to go back.




If time limit is enabled in Assessment settings, you cannot specify time limit for sections.



Enable Calculator, Enable Backtrack can be switched ON and OFF if it's Enabled in Assessment settings.



See also:



Manage section categories

Add a new Criteria

Manage Questions Pool

Manage Section Questions

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