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Start Session

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When a student starts an assessment, he/she is first directed to the start session. The start session does not display questions or deduct from the assessment duration. Yet, it provides information about the assessment.



Practice Start Session

When you log in to your account you are directed to the dashboard. On the dashboard you find a list of your practices.



Click  to go to the practice start session.



The start session states the information students need about the practice. These information include the description of the practice that gives students instructions when solving the assessment and  summary. The summary states the period of the practice, the total marks, the number of questions, and the duration of the assessment.

Click  to begin the assessment.


Exam Start Session

When you log in to your account you are directed to the dashboard. On the dashboard you find a list of your exams.

An example of an exam that has been announced but not started:



An example of an exam that has started.



Click  to go to the exam start session.



The start session states the information students need about the practice. These information include the description of the practice that gives students instructions when solving the assessment and  summary. The summary states the time left, the total marks, the total number of questions, the duration of the exam, and the number of allowed attempts.

Click  to begin the assessment.


On Mobile

Exam and Practice Start Session



On the landing page of the mobile assessment you can see:

Username/Profile Picture

You can see the examinee's username and profile picture. If there is no profile picture, the default image is .


Here, you can see the buttons for accessing the exams or practices or surveys made available to the examinee. If one of them has a highlighted red mark next to them, this means you have less than 24 hours to complete one or more assessments available.


The  button will redirect you to the help desk and support for SwiftAssess.  


The  button will refresh the server.


To logout from the Mobile Assessment landing, tap the  button.

Sync Results

          You can sync results of the exam by tapping button. After that a system message will show up which looks like this  which lets you know that the previous results have been synced successfully.

List of Assessments

oIn then middle column of the landing, you can see the list of assessments or surveys that are available to you.

oIf an assessment or a survey is password protected, you will see a  button beside it. Once you start the assessment, you will get a pop-up where you have to enter the password to the assessment provided to you.

oIf an assessment is new, you will see a  highlight appear next to the assessment title. If an assessment is new and you have less than 24 hours to complete it, you will see a


Assessment Information

Here you can see:

oThe title of the assessment.

oThe instructions/rules/guidelines for the assessment.

oThe time allowed to take the assessment.

oThe number of questions in the assessment.

oTo start the assessment, you can click the  button.

See Also

Resume Session



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