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Manage Account Areas

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This is manage account areas page, Here you can create and Manage different areas under your current account. Areas are functional units that constitute of your organization's operational breakdown, with every area having its own purpose and function in SwiftAssess (e.g. schools, colleges, departments, zones, etc...) 


This page might not appear to you in "My Account" Page if your account doesn't have areas.



This page might not be available to you due to plan limitations.



There are two sections in manage account areas page:


Areas Management: areas can be represented as a sector, cluster or school. Import all areas.


          You can click on "Select" button to browse, upload and sync your data. You can click on Download Template Sheet to see the sample template sheet.

          Under Choose an area, you can click on the drop down menu to specify the area you want.


Area Levels: Import all levels (Sector, Cluster or School) that are related to areas in your institution.




Click on "Select" button to sync your data. You can click on Download Template Sheet to see the sample template sheet.


When you're done, click "Save Area Levels" to complete importing area levels.



See Also


Manage Terms

Manage SIS Imports

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