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The Rating questions provides the examinee with a matrix of points and a scale that they will rate each point according to. This question is a Closed Ended Type question and is only available in Surveys. On the Add Question page, click on "Rating". You will be redirected to the editor for the Rating question.

Add a New Rating Question



Here you can add choices for answers and add criteria to the question for rating

To add a new choice to the question, click the  button and you will get a new box to provide more choices for answers. To add a new criterion for the question, click the  button and you will get a new box to provide more criteria to the question.

To delete a choice or criterion from the question, hover towards the left of the box of the option and you will see a  button. Click on it to delete the option.

You can also add individual weights to the answers which will be published in the survey analytics

You can chose to add a Forced Rating to the answer which means that the same answer choices cannot be given to more than one criterion.






To see what a Rating question will look like, see Rating Question Preview.


See Also

Add a New Question

Questions Editor

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