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The general options of an assessment is allow you to add details about the assessment and specify the type of assessment and the way questions are added to the assessment. The availability of other options depend on whether the assessment is an exam or a practice.

Manage General Settings

You can manage the general settings of an assessment as follows:

Edit the title of the assessment in the title text field.

Type instructions to be displayed on the assessment in the instructions rich text area.

Specify whether the assessment is an exam or a practice.

If the assessment is an exam, more options will appear:

oAllow/disallow resuming the exam if it was stopped.

In a practice assessment, it is always allowed to stop and resume the assessment.

oSpecify whether you want the questions to be added randomly or fixed to the assessment.

If it's random, you can choose it to be a LOFT assessment.

If you want to choose the questions to include in the assessment, specify whether you want the order of questions to appear randomly or not.

When you choose LOFT mode and click "Save changes", This message will appear

Click OK to proceed.

oSpecify whether it is a makeup exam or not. If it is a makeup exam, choose the exam you want to makeup.

oAllow/disallow manual grading, if you choose "YES" you can "Allow Anonymous Grading" for the assessment or not.                 

Assign all lessons or specific lessons to be included in the assessment.

To assign specific lessons:

1. Click on the lesson in the list labeled "Course Lessons."

2. Click .

To add all the lessons in the list click .

3. The lesson is added to the list labeled "Assessment Lessons."

To remove  a lesson:

1. Click on the lesson in the list labeled "Assessment Lessons."

2. Click .



Click .











All changes in the general settings will affect the options you get in other settings.



The assessment title already exists.

Practice cannot be converted to an exam.

Data hasn't been saved, please try again.



If the assessment is an exam and it is the first exam created for a plan, it cannot be changed to practice.

If there is an exam for a certain plan, a practice related to that plan cannot be converted to an exam.


See Also

Fixed Assessment Questions

Random Assessment Questions

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