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Grade Using Rubrics

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The Rubrics on SwiftAssess helps you grade assessments by using a defined set of criteria to rate against a specific level of achievement. They are used to grade manually graded type of questions. Scoring rubrics include one or more criteria on which performance is rated along with the level of achievement being measured. This section is about using the rubrics to grade assessment answers that contain them.

When you have a question that contains a rubric, you can see it when you are in the Grading section. You can filter the results By Question or By Examinee. For more information on this, please see Filter Responses.


You can click on View Answer to view the response of the examinee. If there is a rubric, you will get the answer and the rubric along with which to grade. For more information on rubrics, please see Rubrics Overview.

Using the rubric provided, you can mark the level of grade which corresponds to the marks alloted) and you can leave comments for each criteria. If you have selected all the proper achievement levels and have seen that the total marks is not where is judged, you can override the grade by selecting the Override Grade and entering the number grade. You can leave final comments for the grade.

Once you have finished grading using the rubric, click  to finish grading.


To be able to select the override grade, you have to select an achievement level for every criteria.

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