When you add a program you provide basic information about it and it is created but stays unpublished. You can then manage the programs settings to add the necessary elements for publishing the program.
Add a Program
To add a program: 1.Click 2.Enter the program's name, total marks. 3.Choose the program's level from the drop down menu. 4.Choose if the program is "Learning Outcomes Based" or not. 5.If yes, you have to specify the structure of it whether it's basic "3-level structure" or extended "4-level structure". 6.Click 7.You are directed to Manage Program Details. |
If "Is Learning Outcomes Based" is disabled for you, it means that this feature is limited or unavailable to your edition. |
If "Structure" is hidden for you, it means your account does not have privileges to use this feature. |
See Also
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