The Short Answer questions present examinees with a question that needs a short answer provided in a text box. You can provide alternatives to the correct answer to fit all cases. This question is in the Basic Types in Assessments and Open Ended Types in Surveys. On the Add Question page click on "Short Answer". You will be redirected to the editor for the Short Answer question.
Add a New Short Answer Question for Assessments
•In the Question Content section, you can choose the answer mode decide whether the response allowed by the student should be •In the Alphanumeric setting, add an answer to the question by typing the correct answer under the "Correct Answer(s)". To add a new answer, click the •In the Numeric Settings, you can choose the response to be of a certain tolerance or a certain range for the question. •Tolerance is the maximum allowed error by the examinee (e.g. If the correct answer for the value of pi is set to be 3.14, you can set the lower bound tolerance to be .01 and the upper bound tolerance to be .01; this means that the correct answers can be any answer as low as 3.13 and as high as 3.15). The values set for the tolerances can be whole numbers or decimals.
•For the Range, you can choose the minimum and maximum acceptable range for the answer. These values can be in decimals. |
Add a New Short Answer Question for Surveys
•In the Question Content section, you can choose the answer mode decide whether the response allowed by the respondent should be |
To see what a Short Answer question will look like, see Short Answer Question Preview.
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