Student course performance report gives you understanding of a specific examinee has been performing in a specific course, under a specific group. Measuring assessment activities and practice tests over time. as well as topic comprehension and awareness.
To get the course performance of a specific student choose: Program, Course, Group and the name of the examinee.
The above chart represents Performance over time vs. Benchmark for exams, vertical axis is average percentage of performance per course and the horizontal axis represents the date of it. You can notice a red dashed line which represents the marks earned by the student so far, on this example it's 70. The blue line has a start point which refers to the performance percentage on the first date, and the second refers to the performance percentage on the second date.
This chart is similar to the one above it except that this one is for practices, the first point in the green line shows you the performance percentage on the first date, while the second one shows you the performance on the second date. A line is always drawn between the first and last point to show the correct order for practices.
This section shows the examinee's score in a particular lesson. For example in this chart we have the following lessons: Linear Equations, Exponents, Roots, Functions & Equations and Logarithms and you can see the lesson score percentage for each one of them. These percentages can be used to know how did the student perform in a specific lesson or to spot a light on the student's weakness.
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