You can issue certificates for examinees according to their programs when they are eligible for it. You allow issuing certificates related to a program when you create the program. You also choose the template of the certificate.
Manage Certificates
To issue certificates to examinees follow the steps below: 1.Select a program from the drop down menu labeled "Program." 2.A table of all the examinees associated with the selected program appears. 3.Enter the start date, end date, or serial number of previously issued certificates to filter results.
4.Click •Choose a type of a file to export the table of examinees by clicking Issue certificates to a single examinee. 1. Choose the language of the certificate. 2.Click 3.The certificate is downloaded in pdf format. Issue certificates to multiple examinees. 1. Select the examinees by clicking 2.A new button 3.The certificates are downloaded in pdf format.
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