The Drag to Blank presents the examinee with a set of boxes to be filled by items from a provided list of items. This question is in the Advanced Types and is only available in Assessments. On the Add Question page, click on "Drag to Blank". You will be redirected to the editor for the Drag to Blank question.
•In the Question Content section, you will find a rich text editor where you can type the Question Text. If you want to add a blank, click on button.
•The question author can allow/disallow Shuffle Answers by switching it ON or OFF .
•Now, to create the answers, you have two options:
Add a new Text Item
1.Click on "Add Text Item" button.
2.Item will be created, Click on the item to edit its settings.
3.Type your proffered Answer Text.
4.Choose how to use the item, whether its used one time in the question, unlimited times or specific number. If you choose Specific, you must choose how many times it can be used (more than one, but limited times).
Add a new Image Item
1.Click on "Add Image Item" button, Choose your proffered image.
2.Item will be created, Click on the item to edit its settings.
3.Type your proffered Answer Text.
4.Choose how to use the item, whether its used one time in the question, unlimited times or specific number. If you choose Specific, you must choose how many times it can be used (more than one, but limited times).
Delete a Text/Image item
1.Drag the item whether its a text or image
2.Drop it in the trash bin icon to delete it.
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