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Add a New Assignment

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Create new assignments for your examinees by setting the requirement, instructions and due dates.



Add an Assignment:

Follow the steps below to add an assignment:

1.Click  in the assignments dashboard.

2.A pop-up screen will appear to choose the course to which you want to add the assignment.

3.Click on the drop down menu labeled "Select a program."

4.Choose the program of the course.

5.Click on the drop down menu labeled "Select a course."

6.Choose the course.

7.More settings will appear to create a new assignment.

8.Choose whether this assignment will be new or reused.

9.Click on the drop down menu labeled "Select an assignment plan."

If no plans are available, you must add a new plan in order to continue creation.

10.Choose the plan of the assignment you are adding.

11.Type the title of the assignment.

12.Click .

13.You will be directed to the assignment settings.

See Also

Assignments Dashboard

View Assignments


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