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Search And Filter Assessment Questions

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To choose questions to add to an assessment, all questions are displayed in a table in "Manage Exam Questions." To easily find questions, you can search using keywords or use the filter options to minimize the number of questions displayed.



Search Questions

Type the keyword(s) in the search text field labeled "Question Title" and click .



Filter Questions

To filter questions, you may do one or more of the following:

Specify a lesson from the drop down menu labeled "Choose a Lesson."

Specify an indicator from the drop down menu labeled "Choose an Indicator."

Select the check box  of the question type(s) you want.

Select the check box  of the question difficulty level(s) you want.

Search by keywords:

1.Type one or more keywords in the text area.

2.Select "Match Any" if you want the questions that appear to have any of the keywords. Or select "Match All" if you want the questions that appear to have all of the keywords.

You can add keywords from a list of keywords that already exists.

1.Click .

2.Select a program from the drop down menu.

3.Keywords related to the program chosen appear.

4.Choose the keyword(s) you want.

5.Click .


See Also

Assign a New Assessment Question

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