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ACU Examinees log

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ACU Assessment Examinees Log gives you a comprehensive log for the examinees on an assessment for your ACU.



If your don't have any connected ACUs in your account, you will not need this report.


To get the examinees log for a specific area:



1.Choose a program from the drop down list.

2.Choose a course from the dropdown list.

3.Choose a term from the dropdown list.

4.Choose an assessment from the dropdown list.

5.Choose the area from the dropdown list.

6.Choose the group from the dropdown list.

          You can also filter results by different criteria:  


Filter results by All Status

Filter results by Student Submission

Filter results by Timer Submission

Filter results by Auto Submission

Filter results by Absent

Filter results by Paper

Filter results by Auto Handled

If your account plan includes account areas,then you will be able to choose a specific Area (School) to get the results from.



As you can see on this table, the information presented are:

Area Name

Group Name


Full Name




The status in each student's row can be:


Student submission: which means the examinee manually submitted the assessment.

Timer Submission: Automatic submission because the assessment time expired.

Auto Submission: which means the examinee solved all questions but the machine crashed. When the examinee opened the secure browser again, the cache did auto syncing.

Absent: which means the examinee did not login to the system at all.

Paper: The examinee logged in then was moved to paper.

AutoHandled: occurs when the results of the assessment were pending and the exam time passed 12 hours from end-time so the results are dropped.




Reading detailed log actions



You can expand the table to get all the log actions done by the student.


Once you expand the table, the details information are: log action, Timestamp.





Examinees log template sheet


You can download the log report by clicking on  button.


The template sheet will look like this:




At any point, you can choose to export the table to an excel sheet by clicking on





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