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ACU Admin Overview

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ACU Admin Overview


This page helps SwiftAssess super/limited administrators manage the available and downloaded assessment in the ACU and do multiple actions to them.

The page is divided into two main sections:

Available Assessments


This section lists all the assessments that have been published in the admin's account and configured to be downloaded via an ACU instance.


You can search for the available assessment by selecting a program and course.

In the above table, you can see a table which includes the available Assessment Name and some actions such as Download Cache, Download Examinees or Update Cache.

To download an available assessment for the first time, click on "Download Cache".



After downloading the cache, click on "Download Examinees "to download the list of examinees assigned to this exam with the password for each assigned examinee.



You can click on "Update Cache" to update new settings added to the exam such as the password of the exam. This button will be available during the whole exam session.


Downloaded Assessments


This section lists all assessments that have been previously downloaded/cached. You can choose to update certain assessment's cache, sync submissions made to an assessment or simply delete a specific assessment cache.

Here, you can also search for a specific assessment by program and course, or no specific programs.

In the above table, you can see the downloaded Assessment Name, Status, Monitor Examinees and do multiple actions such as Clear Cache, Sync Submissions.

When you click on "monitor Examinees" for an assessment. You can see general information about the assessment such as Name and number of questions.


Click on "Refresh View" at any time to refresh the stats of the examinees.


You can filter the list by Groups, Examinees or Status.

For example, as shown in the above dropdown, you can filter by Typing the name of examinee or by choosing from a dropdown list.


You can also see a table which gives you more information about each examinee such as:


Full Name

Login Status (Yes or null)

Started (If the examinee started the exam)

Number of questions synced.

Time Elapsed.

Status (Absent, Pending, Auto Submission, Manual Submission, or Paper).

And other actions like Changed Device or Switch to Paper.


As You can see from the above table, Examinee 1's status is pending "Partial Result" after completing 4 questions in the exam then looks like the machine crashed or the secure browser was closed. The

                     supervisor should decide whether to Move the examinee to another device if available or switch to paper.

         On the same table, Examinee 2 was absent, so he/she didn't login or start the exam.



Important Notes:

The questions solved by the examinee will be ignored if he/she was moved to another device or switched to paper. If the student synced their results before switching devices, then their results will be saved and can resume from where he/she left off.

By default, all the students will be considered as Absent until they login and start the exam.

When “Changed Device” is clicked, then the student’s active session will be cleared and he can login from a different device. This doesn’t remove his responses if he had partially synced before.

Switch to Paper option is irreversible.



If the supervisor switched the user to Paper, the actions field will look like the above which means no actions can be done.


"Auto submission" status means the system submitted automatically when the timer was up. No actions can be done for this specific case.


Assessment Status Guide: 

If the Assessment status is "Closed", it means the assessment date has passed, all results and logged have been synced and can be deleted by the automatic updater.

If Assessment status is "Available" and the monitor shows number of examinees it means that the supervisor of the exam can click on the assessment and see the details of the examinees, and perform actions like "Changed Device" or "Switch to Paper" can be done.

If status is "Available" and monitor is zero it means the assessment's examinees haven’t been downloaded yet. In this case, you can clear the assessment cache downloaded or you can download the examinees if available.


Partial Sync Cases Guide:


If there was a submission already for that student from a different device and it was completed, this partial sync will be dropped.

If the session of the submitted isn’t the same as the current/active session, this partial sync will be dropped.

If student moved to paper, and there was a previous cache to sync, this partial sync will be dropped.

If exam is closed and results were synced, and there was cache available on a device that was trying to sync, that partial sync will be dropped.


See Also

Manage ACUs

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