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Course Outcomes

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Course Outcomes are specific tasks an examinee must be able to perform to deduce whether the learning outcomes of the program were met or not. Hence, Course Outcomes are linked to learning outcomes.



Manage Course Outcomes

Manage Course Outcomes of a program as follows:

1.Choose a Course Outcome from the drop down menu.

2.View a list of previously added Course Outcomes.

3.Sort the Course Outcomes.

1.    Click on an Course Outcome.

2.Use  to move the Course Outcome up or down.

5.Add a new Course Outcome.

1.Click "Add a new course outcome".

2.Enter the Course Outcome you want to add.

3.Click .

6.Edit an Course Outcome.

1.Click on the Course Outcome in the list.

2.Edit the Course Outcome.

3.Click .

7.Delete an Course Outcome.

1.Click on the Course Outcome in the list.

2.Click .


Specify the Course Outcome weight based on the remaining outcome weight.

For Course Outcome weight, you have to enter the percent of the Course Outcome from the whole related Course Outcomes.

If your program is learning outcomes based, you should have course outcome. If not it will be optional.



Each course outcome is related to a learning outcome.

See Also


Learning Objectives

Learning Outcomes

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