The "Questions Preview" illustrates how students will see a question in an assessment and how he/she will answer this question. Each question is viewed differently depending on its type. However, some aspects are common and independent of the type of the question.
Common Aspects
The following aspects may appear on some questions, however, it is independent of the question type:
o The timer limits the time you have to answer the questions. When time is up, the question in removed from the assessment.
oThe info button gives the author of the question information about question Metadata & Mapping. Click on button to view the info.
The info provided in this page are:
oQuestion ID
oCreated on by Date and Time
oStandards Related to this question
oLessons related to this question
oDifficulty level of this question
oBloom levels that covers this question
oTags and keywords for this question
oA hint provides information that will help you answer the question. Hover the mouse on to view the hint.
oMedia could be either an image, a video, or an audio.
oImage: click to zoom and pan an image.
oVideo: Click on the video to start playing.
oAudio: Click on the audio to start playing.
oThe attempts limit the number of times you attempt to answer a question. The answer you provide in the last attempt is saved and any changes afterwards are not considered.
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