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The survey dashboard gives you the capability to view what is happening with your Pending/In-Active surveys as well as On-Going/Completed Surveys. From there, you have the capability to add new surveys or edit, publish/unpublish, delete previously added ones, and view their results. You can also reuse an existing survey, clear responses, change the cutoff date, and filter surveys according to certain criteria. In addition, you can manage the different survey settings and  questions. All of these options can be accessed through the survey dashboard.



A survey that has not received any response will be in the Pending/In-Active Surveys section.



Conversely, a survey that has been responded to will be in the On-Going/Completed Surveys. If a survey is in that category, you cannot unpublish it nor you can edit its settings and questions until you delete all of its responses.  Hence, some options in the Actions drop down list for On-Going surveys differ from Pending Surveys Actions.



Once a survey is ready, it can be taken online either via website or mobile.


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