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Courses are subject linked to a program. These courses are added to create assessments for them and generate reports. Hence, using the assessments reports, you will be able to know whether the learning outcomes of the program were met or not.



Manage Courses

Manage the courses of a program as follows:

1.Choose an existing course from the drop down menu labeled "Courses, " or click  to add a new course. If you chose an existing course, fields will be filled automatically for you to edit.

2.Enter/edit the course name.

3.Enter/edit the course code.

4.Choose the course category from the drop down menu.

5.Enter/edit the course total marks.

6.Enter/edit the course passing marks.

7.Access Scope for this course can be specified
Access Scope can be specific to allow "Instructor Scope" which is a specific scope that shows their items only.

It can be "Area Scope" that shows the questions and assessments for a specific area.

If the access scope is "General Access", then any administrator who has access permissions to this course will see all questions and assessments related to this course from all areas.


8.Select the learning outcomes you want this course to focus on.

1.    Select a learning objective from the list labeled "Learning Objectives."

2.The learning outcomes related to the objective you selected appear in the list labeled "Learning Outcomes."

3.Click on the learning outcome(s) you want to add.

4.Click .

5.The learning outcome(s) will be added to the list labeled "Course Learning Outcomes."

To add all learning outcomes to the "Course Learning Outcomes" list click .

To remove  a learning outcome:

1.Click on the learning outcome you want to remove

2.Click .

You can also add or remove learning outcomes by dragging and dropping them from one list to the other. To select multiple outcomes, press and hold the control key while selecting them.

To sort the learning outcomes in the list:

1.    Click on an outcome.

2.Use  to move the outcome up or down.

7.Click .

8.To delete a course, select it from the drop down menu labeled "Courses" then click .

Using Common Courses

If you are using a course that is used in other programs, We call this course a "Common Course".

This common course can be added to your program by clicking on  then specifying the program and course.

Note: This course will have the same questions bank, assessment pages of the original program.


The sum of all courses total marks exceed the program total mark.

The sum of all courses passing marks exceed the program passing mark.

The sum of the policy plan items of that course exceed the course total mark.

The passing mark is greater than the total mark.

The course has assigned assessments.



The sum of all courses total marks must not exceed the program total mark.

The sum of all courses passing marks must not exceed the program passing mark.

The sum of the policy plan items of a course must not exceed the course total mark.

The passing mark is less than the total mark.


See Also

Learning Objectives

Learning Outcomes

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