In the review section, you decide how you want students to view their results. You also decide whether or not they are allowed to see their results report. And if they are allowed to see their reports, you specify when.
Manage Review Settings
You can manage the review settings of an assessment as follows: •Allow/disallow assessment foot print. If you allow assessment foot print, manage what appears in the foot print.
If you allow viewing question results, manage how the results are viewed.
•Enable/Disable review mode to allow or disallow students from viewing their results reports. If you enable the review mode, you can set the period of time students can view their reports: 1. Turn the switch labeled "Review Begins" to allow it. 2. Specify the days after which the students can view their reports. 3. Choose from the drop down menu labeled "Days after" the condition that allows students to view their reports after the specified days. 4. Turn the switch labeled "Review Ends" to allow it. 5. Specify for how many days can the students view their reports.
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