This section helps you to change the cutoff date of a survey. There are two ways to change the cutoff date depending on its section in the Survey Dashboard.
On-Going/Completed Surveys Section
•The cutoff date can be changed from the Surveys Dashboard, where you can click on the cutoff date itself.
•After clicking it, a window will pop up similar to the following.
•If you choose "Unlimited", the cutoff date will stay open, which means that the survey will never close. Furthermore, if you choose "Limited", you have to specify the cutoff date and time.
•Click on the to choose the date, and click on the to choose the time. On these specified date and time, the survey will close and it cannot be answered.
•After choosing the desired cutoff date, click on . The new date will now appear in the Surveys Dashboard.
Pending/In-Active Surveys Section
•You can change the cutoff date of an survey by following these steps:
oClick on the "Access" tab.
oChoose the "Availability" of the survey.
▪If it is Unlimited, the cutoff date will stay open, which means that the survey will never close.
▪If you choose Limited, then you will have to specify the start/cutoff date by clicking on .
oWhen you are done, click
See Also
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